Building CIM-based Data Products with LinkML: the Linked Data Modeling Language

Bart Kleijngeld | May 16th, 2024

Hello 👋

  • My name is Bart Kleijngeld...
  • 📐 Data Architect
  • 👨‍💻 Software Developer

Let's get started!

Managing Data in the Face of Decentralization

Enterprise organisations are increasingly working bottom-up.

  • The Agile way of working is a prominent example of this.

Furthermore, data sharing between organisations is increasing...

  • improving cooperation.

Managing data we have no or little control over is challenging.

  • What does the data mean?
  • How can the data be used (responsibly)?
  • Who owns the data?
  • Etc.

How can we deal with this?

  • We need to have a scalable way to produce data in a standardized manner.

Data Products

We will be borrowing the data as a product principle from the Data Mesh paradigm to deal with our challenge.

If teams are going to be responsible for the information modeling...

  • how can we best enable them?

Modeling Data Products with LinkML

Due to time constraints I will jump straight to LinkML.

  • I'm happy to answer questions about challenges we encountered with Sparx EA and RDF afterwards.

LinkML is a data modeling language developed in the Bio Sciences department at Berkeley Lab.

  • It's open source.
  • LinkML is also a tool, with a growing ecosystem surrounding it.

Authoring LinkML

LinkML is accessible, especially to developers. It has...

  • familiar YAML syntax;
  • easy and familiar semantics.

Let's look at a small example of a LinkML schema.

    is_a: DCBaseTerminal
    description: A DC electrical connection point at the AC/DC converter. The AC/DC
      converter is electrically connected also to the AC side. The AC connection is
      inherited from the AC conducting equipment in the same way as any other AC equipment.
      The AC/DC converter DC terminal is separate from generic DC terminal to restrict
      the connection with the AC side to AC/DC converter and so that no other DC conducting
      equipment can be connected to the AC side.
        range: DCPolarityKind
        required: false
        multivalued: false
        description: "Represents the normal network polarity condition. Depending\
          \ on the converter configuration the value shall be set as follows:\r\n\
          - For a monopole with two converter terminals use DCPolarityKind \u201C\
          positive\u201D and \u201Cnegative\u201D.\r\n- For a bi-pole or symmetric\
          \ monopole with three converter terminals use DCPolarityKind \u201Cpositive\u201D\
          , \u201Cmiddle\u201D and \u201Cnegative\u201D."
        range: ACDCConverter
        required: true
        multivalued: false
        description: A DC converter terminal belong to an DC converter.

Note how we are not locked into having to use a single application for modeling.

  • Teams can use their preferred tools, most notably their IDEs.

Maintaining and Organizing Models

Models represented as YAML files fit right in with the way of working of BizDevOps teams.

  • They work with YAML files all the time!

LinkML schemas either become part of the repository like all other code...

  • or you create dedicated model repositories: it's up to you.

Collaboration and versioning becomes straightforward using a VCS like Git.

  • Again: it's no different from the usual way of working.
  • Even external collaborators can contribute.

Code and Documentation Generators

LinkML also offers a variety of generators you can use to generate code, documentation and other artifacts.

This could save teams a lot of work.

  • Especially since maintaining several physical models is a lot of duplicate work.

Automated Tasks

Since LinkML models are simple YAML files, it's very easy to write scripts and programs that utilize them.

  • CI/CD pipelines could be extended to perform these tasks on deployment.


Sure. LinkML looks nice for BizDevOps team to help out with data modeling, but...

Weren't we supposed to deal with decentralized architecture and describing our data?

  • Where's the CIM in this picture, or information modeling at all for that matter?

Bringing in the CIM

The obvious way is to simply name things corresponding to the CIM, but...

  • Different schemas have different naming conventions and restrictions;
  • Equal names don't imply equality;
  • Different names don't imply inequality.

We need more sophisticated means of naming and identification.

Linked Data

Tim Berners-Lee envisioned a machine-readable counterpart to the World Wide Web...

  • The Semantic Web.

A core tenet of this vision is the idea of linked data...

  • linking data (sets) all across the web.

But how do we refer to data from other data sets?

  • Names are usually local...
  • causing the issues we saw earlier.

The main enabler for Linked Data is the use of URIs for global identification.


  • can encode ownership in the domain;
  • can provide namespacing for identifiers.

This solves our earlier problem with identification:

  • If two things have the same URI, they are the same thing.
  • Different data sets and organisations can use namespaces to provide unique identifiers.

But how can we use these URIs?

Referencing URIs in LinkML

LinkML supports annotating schema elements with names from reference models...

  • like the CIM!

It's very easy to use multiple reference models.

  • This provides immense flexibility and ease of standardization.
  • It's no problem if the models are expressed in different modeling languages.

Let's take a look again at the LinkML schema earlier...

  • this time with CIM references.

But before going there, I need to explain compact URIs (CURIEs).

Alright, now we're ready.

    class_uri: cim:ACDCConverterDCTerminal
    is_a: DCBaseTerminal
        slot_uri: cim:ACDCConverterDCTerminal.polarity
        range: DCPolarityKind
        required: false
        multivalued: false
        slot_uri: cim:ACDCConverterDCTerminal.DCConductingEquipment
        range: ACDCConverter
        required: true
        multivalued: false

Using fields like class_uri and slot_uri we can standardize schema elements by annotating them with reference model names.

LinkML also supports other kinds of URI mappings.

  • Most notably expressing narrower, broader or exact matches to terms using SKOS.

Profiling CGMES and the CIM with LinkML

Mapping names to reference models is great...

  • but sometimes we could use more help.

Reference models often have more to offer than just standardized names.

The CIM describes attributes, relations, etc.

  • CGMES profiles provide use-case specific constraints.

It would be nice if we could profile these to bootstrap our data products...

  • but how can we do that if we don't have LinkML schemas for the CIM and CGMES?

Well, we generate those schemas!

The CGMES LinkML Schemas

I've written a script that has generated a LinkML schema for each CGMES profile.

  • It is based on the RDFS 2020 version.


The CIM LinkML Schemas

Similarly, I've generated LinkML schemas for the entire CIM.

  • It is based on the official Sparx EA project.


  • The script that generates the LinkML schemas.
  • The LinkML schemas.
  • The documentation hasn't been generated yet.

LinkML Profiler

Ritger Teunissen has developed a profiler for LinkML schemas.

  • Currently command-line only...
  • but building a simple GUI is anticipated.

Given a CIM or CGMES LinkML schema, you pass in the classes you'd like to use, and it will create a LinkML schema for you.


It also enables flattening class hierarchies, skipping optional fields, and more.


Imagine how difficult some of this would be using Sparx EA.

  • LinkML just really lends itself for data modeling in a decentralized world.

Can we make this even more cool?

Road Ahead

I want to improve interoperability with existing CIM tools.

  • Also, we are investigating how to improve the LinkML ecosystem.

Furthermore, I would love to see adoption increase.

  • Currently LinkML is being used by Netbeheer Nederland, a cooperative initiative between DSOs in the Netherlands...
  • but I'm sure it could be beneficial to others as well.

So if you are interested in using LinkML or have any other questions or ideas...

  • feel free to contact me!

Are there any questions?

  • Thank you for listening!

Mention: classes, types, inheritance, mixins, properties

Image includes example generators out of the box: * Python * JSON-LD * SQL DDL * Documentation * JSON Schema * SHACL * and more, including your own extensions

* Watch out: the reverse is not necessarily true.